The Saggers Study

Herbert George Saggers, died 11 November 1916 in France.

This is a brand-new website for the Saggers One-Name Study and you will see it change over the next few weeks as I add information, stories and some photographs.

I am always interested in corresponding with Saggers and related families and happy to share information. I hope to add many world wide Saggers stories here, so please send any information and stories you can share.

I’ll be happy to link to Saggers related websites and trees too.

This Saggers Study started officially in 2014 in honour of my great uncle Bert (Herbert George Saggers), shown above, who died in WW I while serving in the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF).

I have few images though except from my own family. If you have Saggers family images you are willing to share, please do contact me. I’m interested in the places that Saggers families lived, as well as the individuals so perhaps those may be easier to add at first.

I don’t expect to add the trees just yet. As mine is a relatively new study, I will likely start with my own Saggers family line to test out the software.


The Saggers One-Name Study is registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies. Follow this link to the Saggers Study profile page on the Guild website.


Which surnames does this One-Name Study include?

Saggers, sometimes Sagger, or Saggars or occasionally Saggar, or even Saggus ( only in Australia?).

The surname Seeger, sometimes seen, may not be related at all.

The surname Saggerson may be related.

Deviant spellings (usually poor transcriptions) to watch for are Laggers, Luggers and Jaggers, although I have also seen Saggers misread as Saggese and Saygus.  And in documents which have been indexed or transcribed using Optical Character recognition (OCR), watch out for Daggers and Staggers.

In my study to date, there are mainly Saggers families from England, Canada (where I live), the USA, Germany, Australia, South Africa, India and a few from Ireland. My own paternal grandmother Sarah Frances Saggers’s family was from England.

Another Guild of One-Name Studies member, Mr John Sagar, is researching both the Sagar and Sager surnames. Please contact him via the Guild if these are your surnames.

If you know your own or a family surname has been changed or shortened from Saggers, I’d love to hear from you.

Genetic Genealogy – the SAGGERS DNA PROJECT

The Saggers DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA welcomes anyone related with Y-DNA, autosomal or MtDNA test results. Please follow this link to the Saggers DNA Project.