Spring is coming – Dandelion Wine

I’m happy to see that Spring is coming soon – on Thursday, March 19, early this year. And springtime makes me think of – dandelions! Here is my Grandma Sarah Saggers recipe for Dandelion Wine.

Barn and Dandelions: Along Castlederg road, north of Bolton, Ontario, Canada. Photograph by Allen McGregor, Flickr, CC by 2.0.

Dandelion Wine

1 gallon dandelion flowers

1 gallon boiling water

pour water over flowers and let stand 48 hours

then strain in stone jar add 4 lemons &

4 oranges cut into slices, 4 pounds sugar

& one yeast cake (fleishmans) and a package

of raisins, stir well & stand in a cool place.

Stir several times a day until ferman-

tation ceases & keep covered, in two weeks

strain & add 1 tea spoons bitter almond

then bottle & keep in cool dark place.

if possible let stand six weeks before


Grandma Sarah Frances Saggers, handwritten recipe book, Dandelion Wine, personal collection.

Note: Grandma Sarah was from England, and likely never saw dandelions except there and in British Columbia. Here is a website with an amazing number of kinds of dandelions in the UK – Wild Flower Finders: https://wildflowerfinder.org.uk/Flowers/D/Dandelion/Dandelion.htm