Organizing the Saggers Surname Study – 2020 style

January (or late December) is usually the time we take a look at what was accomplished in the previous year, and plan for the year ahead. The Saggers One-Name Study is one of several projects I have on the go so my plans for the first quarter of the year were specific, but not too grand.

Two members of the Guild started a blog challenge though in December and I did join in quite happily. So far I’ve kept up with my own goals here and I’ve written a couple of blog posts to hold back as ‘insurance’. If you are a member of the Guild of One-Name Studies and want to join us, there’s still time! Follow this link to the GOONS Blog Challenge 2020 on Facebook.

One goal for this year was to organize the references I do have for Saggers families in South Africa and to develop that information into a new Saggers tree. I still intend on doing that but!

What I didn’t quite count on was this particular wrinkle. Ancestry announced pretty suddenly that it’s discontinuing all its Rootsweb e-mail lists as of 1 March 2020. I’m the administrator for a number of those lists, including a SAGGARS surname list, so like the other Rootsweb list volunteers, I’ve been spending time deciding on a new home for my lists, and moving them away from Rootsweb. Most of my lists now will have a new home at It’s been an interesting process and I can see advantages for us there in the future.

So if you’d like to join the new SAGGERS Surname e-mail list, please click here to join. This is a free mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding families associated with the Saggers surname and variations (e.g., Sagars, Sager, Saggars, Sagger, Saggers, Sagers, Saggus…) in any place and at any time.

I’m editing this post a bit as I forgot to say that this is entered in The Genealogy Blog Party this month. How could I forget?! The theme for January: ORGANIZE AND PRIORITIZE. Very appropriate for the beginning of the year. And something all genealogists strive for – so do follow this link and have a look at all the other ideas and articles submitted for this month’s challenge hosted by Elizabeth at And if you’re a blogger or post about genealogy on social media, join the Party!

Now I’m really rolling on back to my 2020 plans!

A young cousin in Vancouver, BC, Canada on his Piggly Wiggly wagon. 1920s.
One of my Saggers family cousins in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Late 1920s? Personal collection.

2 thoughts on “Organizing the Saggers Surname Study – 2020 style

  • January 27, 2020 at 9:21 pm

    Welcome to the Genealogy Blog Party. It’s one of the ways I learn about new blogs and one name studies are always interesting. Hope you’ll also continue with Saturday Night Genealogy Fun. 🙂

    • January 28, 2020 at 2:16 am

      Yes, Linda. I think I wi;; write a post about the free indexes to study surnames (and now all our websites) that anyone can use in their research. I benefited from the Christmas surname study long before I decided to take on a study myself. 🙂


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